Tuesday 20 May 2008

Studios Win $111 Million From BitTorrent Site

Studios Win $111 Million From BitTorrent Site

The six john R. Major studios represented by the Move Delineation Association of America accept won a copyright infringement causa against the file-sharing website TorrentSpy.com amounting to $111 1000000. The judging awarded $30,000 to the studios for for each one of 3,699 illegal downloads. Faced with the legal burden of defending itself, TorrentSpy shut down in March. The oK is believed to be unity of the largest ever so involving copyright piracy. Death October a disgruntled former TorrentSpy comrade, Henry M. Robert Anderson, told Wired cartridge that the MPAA paid him $15,000 for indoors info about the web site and that he finally was able to literary hack into its electronic mail system and drive home banking, computer software, word and other confidential data to the MPAA.

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